Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

I don't know all the history of Valentine's Day. I just think of the holiday as generally American and it has never been a big deal to me. The first year Dan and I were together he was all excited about Valentine's Day and I truly didn't understand why. As it turned out that first Valentine's Day was our one month anniversary. I didn't remember, but he did and when it came around he gave me a bar of chocolate, a handmade card and a heart pendant that he had made himself and inscribed with our initials. Wow! 

So, Dan and I celebrate Valentine's Day. That first year was amazing, the two years after were a bit awkward, but this year was really great. I think the more we use the time as an excuse to celebrate our love rather than an obligation the more comfortable it is. And this goes for anniversaries too. 

A little more than a week ago Dan and I were talking about romance and he said something to the effect of me trying it myself. So, instead of hinting to Dan what I wanted to do for Valentine's Day I decided to just do it. At first I really didn't want to because I was afraid of messing up somehow and making things unromantic. Oh. I started to understand how Dan must feel when he makes the plans! I shared my concerns with Dan and was re-encouraged to plan our date. 

I got myself some flowers. Dan bought me a plant once. I don't think he has ever bought me flowers. Dan is amazing at taking care of me and showing me love in so many other ways that I finally realized that if I want flowers in my life I can't wait any longer, I have got to get them! Saturday night we were at Sam's Club (which is oddly fun when you are an adult...) and I picked up a bouquet, admired the beauty... and set them back down. Then Dan said, "Those are beautiful." I picked them back up and smiled all the way home. 

Sunday I made us dinner to eat at home. I thought it would be fun to make dinner together and I started getting internally upset when Dan wasn't helping me (we women are too good at not expressing our desires and then getting upset when they aren't met!). Then all of sudden he comes in the kitchen and starts washing dishes. Wow! This was actually so much better! By the time we sat down to eat the kitchen was clean. This enabled me to really relax and enjoy dinner so much more!

My husband washing dishes!

Our dinner. Delicious Quinoa burgers
Not the most "romantic" food, but we heartily enjoyed it all. Any anyway... I had plans for later.

After dinner I took Dan out to see The Vow. I was a bit anxious about him possibly not liking the movie. Walking in to the theater I am telling him for maybe the third time, "Now I am not expecting this movie to be great. I just thought it would be a fun movie for Valentine's day..." Well, I didn't need to worry! He ended up liking the movie. And *ahem* he has no problem making it clear to me that he does not like The Notebook. So, yes, he actually liked the movie, he wasn't just saying he did because he was with me. He even told me he was able to relate to the main male character. This is a man that loves me and would without a doubt keep his vow to me if anything tragic were to happen. 

Moving on... after the movie I took Dan to The Cheesecake factory for dessert. Neither of us had ever been there before. The atmosphere and decor was quite classy and the food was excellent.  The intention was to just have cheesecake, but were a little hungrier than we anticipated so first we ordered Margherita bread. Yum! (I really need to learn how to make that at home. It can't be too difficult at all.) Then we were still hungry so we ordered some delectable shrimp. And finally we ordered cheesecake. Dan got chocolate with strawberries on top and I had banana cream. We would recommend The Cheesecake Factory!

At The Cheesecake Factory. 

I forgot to bring my card! And Dan had his, but hadn't signed it, so we agreed to exchange cards two days later actually on February 14th. When we did exchange cards it was quite a sweet moment. 

And I was far more excited than I initially realized to receive a WIFE card!

As I read it it just kept getting better and better. And then I had to read it a second time. Whoever wrote this card knows how to get to a wife's heart and my husband made it even better (a million times better) by adding his own words as well. I will be keeping this card for a very long time... probably forever. 


  1. I LOVE YOU!!! I am so happy you are living your dream. You are awesome!!

  2. I love Valentine's Day! I agree, it is a fun, no-pressure holiday of you allow it to be. People who get bummed around Valentine's Day make me sad, and annoyed. I have been single on V-Day and it's still a great holiday to dress up in red & pink, hand out cards to friends or even strangers, or to simply be your OWN Valentine. The last time I was without a man on Valentine's Day, I declared "The World" as my 'Valentine'. It is definitely fun to celebrate with a lover, especially the first few years in my experience, but it is a great holiday as far as I'm concerned. It doesn't even have to be commercial if you don't want it to be. This year I made and hung up pink & red paper chains in our apartment, and that's about it!

    Your husband sounds awesome. I like flowers but a plant that will last longer than a week is a much better gift.

  3. What a great idea to plan your perfect Valentine's Day and treat your man! Those Quinoa Burgers sound delicious! My Dan and I saw The Vow, too! I'm glad you had a happy day :)


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