Friday, May 6, 2011

Another Blog

For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a wife. Well, this summer I am getting married. Yay! I am going to be a wife!

I will use this blog to chronicle my new life as my husband’s wife. I don’t know much about a being a wife, but I am really excited to learn. And I have a lot to learn! I have never really lived on my own before and neither has my future husband. Not only are we going to be moving in together and on our own for the first time ever, but we are also moving thousands of miles away from our families. Whoa! We are about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime!

Some categories I think I will be writing about here are:
  • Cooking  I am the oldest of a family of nine. It is going to be a challenge to learn to cook for two! Plus, I am going to have to learn to put together tasteful meal plans on a tight budget.
  • Cleaning  Cleaning isn’t so bad. I will hopefully come up with a good day to day system to keep my house fresh. It is the tidying that is a problem for me. I never know where to put things!
  • Homemaking  I have grown up in house after house of white walls and old worn furniture. Not because we didn’t have the money, but just because we didn’t decorate. I really want my place of living to be a home. I want to paint the walls and I want throw pillows on my couch and artwork on my walls. This is going to be an extra challenge with very little money! 
  • Time Management This is probably going to be the most difficult for me. I can cook and clean… but I really like sleeping in and I waste far too much time on the internet.
  • Personal Appearance I want to look good for my husband! That might mean a new way to do my hair or make-up, but it most certainly means keeping shape. I am going to have to learn to work out regularly for his benefit as well as my own.
Alright, the wedding is the end of June and then of course we will have a honeymoon. I don’t think I will get much posting in till after then. Anyway, I am not officially a wife yet!


  1. Hi! Thank you for stopping by. I want to comment on your wanting to learn to cook for two - my brother and I live together - we're both single - and I work 3 days a week. Personally, I would rather make a regular-sized recipe on my day off, and have it to reheat on the next working day so I don't have to cook after a day on the job. If there are still leftovers, I freeze them, and they come in handy another time. Good luck!

  2. Thanks for the tip! I will keep that in mind. :)


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