Thursday, November 1, 2012

Jaw Surgery Day 15

It has been two weeks! I am done with antibiotics and I haven't had any pain killers in a few days! My mood is still down, but improving.

I was supposed to have my two week post-op today, but I went in on Monday since I had been running a low fever. I checked out fine, so I don't know what the fever is about.

Anyway, how about some pics!

Day 10. 
Went to the mall with my little sis to get a new bottle of foundation. She got her first bottle of foundation and a tube of concealer while we were there! 

Day 11.

Day 14.
My little sis left early in the morning. So I am taking care of myself now. Managed to do some yoga. Starting to feel a little more human!

Big messy sock bun! So awesome for dirty hair. ;)

Profile. I thought this sorta half silhouette effect was neat

Day 15. Today. 
I do feel pretty with make-up on.

Swelling has reached a point where it going down really slowly, but you can see a little definition there between my cheekbone and my cheek! 

Thank so much to everyone who has given me an encouraging comment either here or on my facebook. This has been the most difficult thing I have ever gone through and each one of your comments really mean a lot to me!


  1. I can't believe how much you've improved... you look amazing! Keep updating :)

  2. Your swelling has gone down so much! Keep us updated!

  3. You're identical to Samantha. Seriously. But you're BEAUTIFUL. stay strong! I love the pictures and the updates!

  4. I always thought you were cute before the surgery, but you've come through it so beautiful! Not many surgeries that are suppose to correct some internal issue get these results! Thanks for including us in your journey. It reminds me a little bit of how it felt after having a baby, where your body just didn't feel like yours. I agree, the painkillers had something to do with that out of body feeling and i felt better once i got off of them.


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