Thursday, July 26, 2012

Jaw Surgery - Sleep Study Results and Insurance Problems

Hey, so I haven't really updated because I have just been in a waiting period. Nothing much to do right now but wait till the insurance problems get sorted out and we can finally set a date for the surgery.

For some reason my insurance denied my pre-determination on the basis of my surgery being a "dental" procedure not a "medical" procedure. This isn't true! But nothing will convince them otherwise. My surgeon even called and tried to explain to them, but nooo. The lovely lady who processes the billing and insurance at my surgeon's office says this is all very weird and they have never had this problem before.

There were a brief few hours where I was freaking out and thinking this was the end, I am not gonna be able to get surgery now. Now things are looking up and I think I needed to go through that to learn a couple lessons.

1) My husband said even if we have to go through the dental insurance, which would cost us SEVERAL thousand dollars more, we will still get it because he sees the surgery as that important to my health. Wow! The fact that he is willing to do that for me, without even an ounce of hesitation or complaint, makes me feel incredibly special and cared about.

2) I came to a point where I decided I would be happy whether I get the surgery or not. For the past few months I have been seriously stressing out about getting this surgery. I decided that is just one direction my life could go and if it goes that way great! But I am not pinning my happiness on it.

3) Things will work out once way or another. My surgeon is re-doing the pre-determination and they are going to submit that again to my medical insurance. Maybe they will accept it this time, maybe they won't. That is just one way the surgery could happen. If they don't approve it we will start working on other ways. I just need to be patient.

Now, my sleep study results = "essentially normal".

Bad news: Still don't have an answer for whyyy I am often so very tired.

Good news: I only have to have surgery on my lower jaw instead of upper and lower. Less risk of complications and/or side effects from surgery that way.

Other good news, not related to my sleep study results. I don't have to have any orthodontic work done before surgery. So once the insurance stuff gets worked out we can set a date without having to worry about doing anything extra to be ready. :)

Just waiting now!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, that sounded really weird. When someone needs surgery, of course it would involve all of her medical info. Anyway, I bet you've finally undergone the surgery. So, have you got coverage? I hope you consulted someone that you could trust when it comes to battling with your insurance company.

    Maggie @Mastragelo Law Offices


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