Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Internetz are coming!

We haven't had internet since we got married. Pretty much everything we need to do on a daily basis we can do from Dan's phone. Then Christmas came and Dan got Uncharted 3 and... he can't play it because the PS3 requires certain updates which can only be done with internet. So, in about a week we should have internet in our apartment!

I have actually really liked not having internet at home. I spent my time more productively! Reading, cooking, laundry. It will be a challenge to not get sucked in to wasting my time away, but the pros of having internet at home are starting to outweigh the cons.

I am looking forward to, hopefully, blogging more. Also, being able to use tools like AllRecipes more frequently. And of course watching our favorite shows on Hulu and Netflix. Plus, it will be really helpful to have internet at home when Dan starts school in the fall.

So here it comes!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for the internet!!
    Maybe you can vow to only use it during certain hours of the day or something so blogging and pinterest don't interfere with your productivity :)
    I'm having a giveaway on my blog! check it out!!


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