Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Honeymoon ♥

Alright, my wedding was already a month ago today and it has been one busy month! I finally have a moment to sit down and blog a bit. Right now we are staying with ManDan's grandparents while we wait on our apartment to be ready to move in to. I can't wait!!! But more on that later...

My honeymoon was great! We took a two week road trip from Detroit down to Virginia Beach and Williamsburg. ManDan was incredibly good to me. I thought we were just going to Williamsburg, but he surprised me with tickets to Bush Gardens and Water Country USA. I was super excited to ride the coasters at Bush Gardens, but my favorite was the waterpark because ManDan rode all the rides with me there.

Here are a few of my favorite pictures.

We spent a lot of time in the car. 

We ate good food. 

We went to the beach. 

Our favorite things at Williamsburg: The Gardens

Most of all we enjoyed being together.


  1. Oh, it all sounds LOVELY! And your feet...what did you do to them?!? *Bursting with curiosity*

  2. Congrats!! Y'all look so happy!!

  3. what an amazing time!! Isn't it the best just being together and seeing new and exciting things? love to you two newlyweds!

  4. so cute! i cannot wait until our honeymoon. i fully expect it to be the time of our lives! i want to one day go to bush gardens and i'm glad to hear you had a ton of fun! is that a henna tattoo? i LOVE it


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